Cerana Meads 

Cerana Meads are a type of mead, an alcoholic beverage created by fermenting honey with water, sometimes with various fruits, spices, grains, or hops. Cerana refers to a species of honeybee, so Cerana Meads might be made using honey produced by this specific type of bee. The name might also be a brand or a specific variation of mead that incorporates honey from Cerana bees or is made in a style inspired by them.

Cerana Meads is at the intersection of the science, the art of craft of mead making and a passion for high quality craft alcohol. We take great care to use premium, ethically sourced, all  natural ingredients in our handcrafted meads. Ranging from crisp and dry to rich and complex, our variety of fruit or spice infused meads are delicious, refreshing and exciting. Every bottle is made meticulously so that it can be enjoyed by everyone and still appeal to connoisseurs of fine alcohol.

About Us

Our meadery in the Sinnar region of Nashik, Maharashtra, produces authentic meads with an emphasis on Indian flavours. The quality of our meads is of primary importance to us. We believe in a philosophy of ‘farm to bottle’, and in line with this we treat all our raw material with utmost care, be it the honey, fruits or spices. We carefully preserve them and extract the natural flavours into a bottle of Cerana Mead, handcrafted with love.

The Cerana Story

Every great love has a story behind it. Ours is a story that blends many passions. When our co-founder Yoginee learnt about meads she was intrigued not only by its rich history and diversity but also because mead brought together her myriad interests. It was a marriage of her love for nature, her fascination with the honeybees and her appreciation of alcohol. Unable to find the drink locally, she experimented with making some herself. After her initial experiments were appreciated by friends and family she toyed with the idea of setting up a meadery. She knew just who she needed to help her achieve this and reached out to her friend and fellow Ph.D. scholar, Ashwini who was finishing her post doctorate in Canada at that time. Ashwini was always enthusiastic about creating innovative, value added products from agricultural resources and had a love for wines and spirits. She jumped at the idea of this unique and exciting venture. She traded in maple syrup for honey and thus began the journey of Cerana Meads.

Our Products (Meads & Honey)

1) Jamun Mead

Summer in every whiff and monsoon in every swig! This mead is made by infusing Jamun fruit from Konkan in Jamun honey from Madhya Pradesh. The Jamun and citrus notes add to the experience of this earthy concoction. Light & crisp, it opens up a multi-layered fruity tang with mild tartness which is followed by the unmistakable Jamun taste which renders its dry finish.

2) Pomegranate Vanilla Mead

Akin to its mythical reputation of being the fruit of the underworld, pomegranate from Nashik adds a tempting pink tinge to the bronze gold pour of this melomel made with lychee honey. from Bihar With a distinct fruity, caramel & vanilla aroma this mead runs smooth on the palate with toffee & tart pomegranate upfront followed by vanilla swirls. Finishes off-dry with lingering fruity notes like a refreshing tropical punch on a balmy evening.

3) Chenin Blanc Mead

Made with chenin blanc, the most popular grapes from India’s wine capital Nashik, Cerana offers the very first pyment in the country. The herbaceous flavour and citric acidity of these superstar grapes works wonderfully in combination with the multifloral honey from Himachal Pradesh with spicy notes of cinnamon, lemons and bay leaf.

4) Blue Pea Lavender Mead

In the floral meads series of Cerana meads, this is the first with a classic combination of flowers. A mystic blue hue from the blue pea flowers and a soothing aroma from lavenders cradled by sweet mustard honey, this is our first semi-sweet hydromel. Plunge your senses in the magical world of blue pea lavender mead.

5) Pinot Noir Mead

Pinot Noir Pyment, the perfect representation of our commitment to the craft of mead making. Best quality natural sealed-comb honey is combined with the inky red Pinot noir grapes to bring together two wonders of nature in a bottle. Modest sweetness with balanced acidity, a fresh complex fruity bouquet and a blush rosé colour that comes from the grape skins, will give you one of a kind experience.

6) Yule Spice

A festive Mead, aged in French Oak to bring home the spirit and flavours of the season. The warm aroma of cinnamon, the gentle burn of ginger, and the sweet, earthy jamun-ness of the honey leave you with a lingering sense of comfort. Yule Spice is the perfect and ultimate festive drink to have and to share.This metheglin, that’s mead made with honey and spices, is a limited period release for the winter season. So wait no further and grab your bottles of India’s first commercially available standard mead now.

Sourcing At Cerana –

  • We take pride that a majority of our manufacturing set up is sourced locally within the state of Maharashtra, thus minimising our carbon footprint. 
  • We source most of our produce from within the state as well. The jamuns, pomegranates and grapes are all sourced locally. 
  • The honeys are also sourced from within the country. Lychee honey comes from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, Jamun honey from Maharashtra and adjacent states. And multifloral honey comes from Himachal and Karnataka.

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